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Bhagavan & Leadership 3: Jnana (Knowledge)
Bhagavan and Leadership: The Power of Jnana (Knowledge) in Leadership Explore the concept of Jnana (knowledge) in Bhagavan and leadership and its profound impact on effective leadership. Discover how cultivating knowledge can lead to wisdom, insight, and transformative leadership. The story so far…. Parasara Muni (father of Vyasa) explains the word “Bhagavan” in Vishnu Purana
- Published in The Frogs Mind
Bhagavan & Leadership 2: Context
Bhagavan Leadership: Significance of Context in Leadership Explore the concept of Jnana (knowledge) in Bhagavan leadership and its profound impact on effective leadership. Discover how cultivating knowledge can lead to wisdom, insight, and transformative leadership. The story so far…. I found an interesting way of looking at the word Bhagavan (God). Parasara Muni (father of Vyasa)
- Published in The Frogs Mind
Bhagavan & Leadership 1: Introduction
Bhagavan and Leadership: An Introduction to Spiritual Principles in Leadership Explore the foundational principles of Bhagavan leadership and their relevance to modern leadership practices. Discover how spiritual wisdom can enhance leadership effectiveness and personal growth. I read the Home Study Course of Bhagavad Gita by Swami Dayanand Saraswati. An intriguing explanation of the term “Bhagavan”
- Published in The Frogs Mind