Leaping Frog is inspired by Leap-frogging….leaping for quantum progress and development to stay ahead.

Business Strategy

The Leaping Frog symbolises the small or big leaps that one must take to bring about the changes that one aspires to, be it an individual or an organisation. Whether it is a small or big leap, the objective is to venture into the unknown and embrace the uncomfortable, as there lies growth and learning. Leading to fulfilment and happiness.

The work we do at Leaping Frog and how we work deeply follow this philosophy. We enable people and organisations to recognise and take those leaps to look for newer terrain that evokes curiosity,

The work we do at Leaping Frog and how we work deeply follow this philosophy. We enable people and organisations to recognise and take those leaps to look for newer terrain that evokes curiosity, experimentation and learning. We enable individuals and organisations to move closer to their immense potential.


We are a young consulting organisation. We are backed up by a collective, specialised and diverse experience in the “people and organisations” domain. Rather than consultants, we call ourselves enablers and co-creators. That’s what best defines us.

Our work focuses on realising the deeper capabilities of people and organisations, working on their strengths and facilitating learning and change. And by doing so, we support people and organisations to take the leap and lead. We aim to help in enhancing people and organisational effectiveness.

Combining behavioural science knowledge, we effectively use the proven concepts of process consultation, organisation development, group dynamics, coaching and self-work in our impactful and lasting work.

Employee Engagement

People in Organisations

Organisations are complex entities with dynamic internal and external interrelationships. They are like living entities, with a heart, brain and soul resulting from people's collective emotions and rationales.

Hence, in all our work, people are at the core and are the instruments of change, both individually and collectively. We actively involve people in organisations in our change and development work. Our work is co-creation, so the change is owned by people and hence gets embedded as a way of working.

Organisational Effectiveness

Is how an organisation functions to achieve its business goals efficiently. One aspect of an organisation is that it is a living “organism” consisting of different parts (read as leadership/ people/ departments/ business units) running congruently, like well-mannered and well-designed body parts and organs. And when the congruency is seamless, the effectiveness is at its peak resulting in business outcomes set out to achieve.

As enablers, our efforts are to co-create this congruence with the help of the stakeholders. So, the organisation owns the outcome, which facilitates an easy sink-in.

OUR Edge

Trust Begets Trust

We prioritize trust, cultivating enduring relationships beyond transactions, as evidenced by our exceptional client retention and referral record.

Network of Enablers

Our team of specialized consultants and facilitators, with diverse subject matter expertise, ensures our clients receive expert advice and unparalleled service.

One Size Fits One

We prioritize trust, cultivating enduring relationships beyond transactions, as evidenced by our exceptional client retention and referral record.

We Understand Your Needs

We engage in deep conversations with clients, actively listening to them, clarifying needs, and acting on feedback to learn, reflect, experiment, and improvise.

Co-create with Clients

By following a participatory method that places people at the centre, we foster ownership and sustainability as they become drivers and co-creators of change.

Inside-Outside Approach

We use diagnostic and dialogic processes to comprehend organisational dynamics. We design interventions that address the outside (visible) and inside (invisible) aspects of the organisation.