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Cultivating Trust: The Cornerstone of Effective Leadership
Cultivating Trust: The Cornerstone of Effective Leadership Cultivating Trust: The Cornerstone of Effective Leadership, In the ever-evolving leadership landscape, one attribute stands out as the fulcrum of success – trust. Countless studies and research findings underscore the pivotal role that trust plays in the dynamics of a team and, consequently, the success of an organisation.
- Published in The Frogs Mind
The Xerox PARC Story: Birth of Personal Computing and Graphic User Interface
The Xerox PARC Story: Birth of Personal Computing and Graphic User Interface The Xerox PARC Story: Birth of Personal Computing and the Graphic User Interface. In the early 1970s, the offices of Xerox Palo Alto Research Center (PARC) quietly witnessed a revolution that would transform the landscape of personal computing. Xerox PARC, a subsidiary of
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Ego Depletion: The Story of Radishes and Cookies
Picture Source: https://thedecisionlab.com/reference-guide/psychology/ego-depletion Ego Depletion: The Story of Radishes and Cookies Ego Depletion: The Story of Radishes and Cookies. In the late 1990s, social psychologist and scientist Roy F. Baumeister wanted to understand why it’s hard for us to control ourselves sometimes. To solve this mystery, he and his team came up with a fun
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Reshaping the “Smell of the Place” – The Chrysler Story
Reshaping the “Smell of the Place” – The Chrysler Story “Individuals do not change fundamentally who they are, without any serious personal crisis of some kind. But the conclusion again for us, perhaps, the key conclusion is that is the wrong question to ask. Revitalizing people has a lot less to do with changing people
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Appreciative Inquiry: The Magic of Story-Telling
Appreciative Inquiry: The Magic of Story-Telling In the early 2000s, in the heart of Cleveland, a struggling hospital was grappling with deteriorating morale and disconnection among its staff. Patient care was suffering, and the atmosphere was marked by frustration and burnout. Desperate for change, the hospital leadership turned to an unconventional approach: Appreciative Inquiry. Led
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Behavioural Conditioning: From Rats to the Workplace
Behavioural Conditioning: From Rats to the Workplace During the era of behaviourist psychology (late 18th and early 19th century), psychologists had the inkling that rewards and punishments played a pivotal role in moulding and motivating voluntary human behaviour. However, to transform this hypothesis into a verifiable theory, they required a systematic method of investigation. This
- Published in The Frogs Mind
Rethinking Gossip
icture: The Gossips 1948, Norman Rockwell (https://prints.nrm.org/detail/260994/rockwell-the-gossips-1948) For a long time, I have held the belief that gossiping is bad, particularly in the context of any organisation. I recently had a thought-provoking conversation with a group of people from the same organisation, which changed my perspective. The discussion centred around their views on employee engagement.
- Published in The Frogs Mind
The Pygmalion Effect: From Myth to Modernity
Picture Credit: https://hbr.org/2003/01/pygmalion-in-management The myth goes like this. The Pygmalion Effect: From Myth to Modernity Explore the intriguing concept of the Pygmalion Effect, from its ancient mythological roots to its modern-day applications in psychology and education. Discover how beliefs and expectations can shape performance and outcomes. Pygmalion, a gifted sculptor hailing from Cyprus, became disenchanted
- Published in The Frogs Mind
The HeartSpace: Where Belonging Flourishes Within an Organization
Picture Credit: https://www.canstockphoto.com The HeartSpace: Where Belonging Flourishes Within an Organization Explore the concept of HeartSpace in organizations, where a sense of belonging is nurtured, fostering a positive and inclusive workplace culture. In organisations, where structures, policies, and hierarchies prevail, there exists a unique reality that goes beyond the formalities – the HeartSpace. It’s within
- Published in The Frogs Mind
Participatory Triumph: How FORD Fueled Change
Picture Credit: https://inkbotdesign.com/ford-logo-design/ The concept of “Big, Hairy, Audacious Goals” (BHAGs) gained widespread recognition through the research and writings of Jim Collins and Jerry Porras in their book “Built to Last: Successful Habits of Visionary Companies.” BHAGs refer to ambitious and challenging goals that inspire organisations to achieve remarkable feats beyond their current capabilities. While the
- Published in The Frogs Mind