Bhagavan and Leadership: An Introduction to Spiritual Principles in Leadership
Explore the foundational principles of Bhagavan leadership and their relevance to modern leadership practices. Discover how spiritual wisdom can enhance leadership effectiveness and personal growth. I read the Home Study Course of Bhagavad Gita by Swami Dayanand Saraswati. An intriguing explanation of the term “Bhagavan” made me pause. It made me reflect. I found a deep sense of connectedness with our modern-day concept of Leadership.
I am no expert to comment on the Vedic scriptures. But I get intrigued by the vast knowledge that they offer. I like to explore this embodied knowledge and its offerings for us. From my limited foray in this area, I always find many intellectually stimulating concepts sheltered in the ancient scriptures like Vedas, Upanishads, Puranas and the likes.
I find profound relatedness to these concepts in our daily lives. They evoke amazement and a deep sense of appreciation of the abundance and depth of knowledge that existed. They are thought provokers – constantly keeping one in a questioning disposition and always giving fresh and new perspectives.
Coming back to the topic – “Bhagavan”.
The word breaks as “Bhaga” + “Van”, where Bhaga means opulence and van means possessor. So, a close translation would be “possessor of opulence”. Interestingly, Parasara Muni (father of Vyasa) explains the meaning of the word “Bhagavan” in Vishnu Purana as –
Bhagah asya asti iti bhagavan – the one who has bhaga is called Bhagavan. “Bhaga” is opulence – the following six-fold virtues in absolute measure.
Aisvaryasya samagrasya viryasya yasasah sriyah jnana-vairagyayoscaiva sannam bhaga itirana (Visnu-purana: 6.5.74)
The six-fold virtues
Do these qualities ring a bell? So close to authentic leadership! Each of the virtues is so critical for a great leader.